AQU Catalunya's internal alert system goes live
The aim of this whistleblowing system is to safeguard anyone who may report suspected breaches of regulations and corruption within the scope of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency.
Last December, the AQU Catalunya Governing Board approved the AQU Catalunya internal alert system, which deals with breaches of regulations and breaches of public integrity This mechanism is the one chosen by the Agency to comply with the obligation to establish an internal information system in accordance with the regulatory framework in force regarding the protection of persons reporting on the types of irregularities mentioned.
The alerts system works in a very simple way and can be used by any natural person who, in an employment or professional context at AQU Catalunya, wishes to report conduct or facts that may constitute breaches of regulations or conduct contrary to public integrity that may have been committed within the scope of the Agency. Through an application that is available on the AQU Catalunya public integrity website,
individuals can submit in writing or verbally the alerts they consider relevant. The communications issued must be made on the basis of good faith and the conviction that the facts reported are true. Otherwise, the communication of false information knowing its falsity constitutes an infringement under the terms of article 63 of Law 2/2023, of 20 February.
AQU Catalunya's internal alert system is governed by the principles of confidentiality, anonymity, security, willingness, accessibility, publicity and impartiality. The director of AQU Catalunya has appointed the secretary of AQU Catalunya and of the Governing Council, Maria Giné, as the person responsible for AQU Catalunya's internal alert system, and the legal team formed by Jordi Escolar and Joana Torner as the system management team.
Although the internal channel of the system should preferably be used because it facilitates the adoption of more immediate measures in the investigation of the facts and improves the prevention and control systems, it is also possible to use the external information channel, which in the case of AQU Catalunya is the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia. To use this external alert system it is not a requirement to have previously used the internal one. AQU Catalunya's internal alert system is based on the one established in Agreement GOV/160/2023, of 25 July of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and is adapted to AQU Catalunya's own characteristics.
Access the internal alert system: here.