Favourable reports issued on the accreditation of three bachelor's degrees from the Universitat de Girona's Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences
AQU Catalunya has issued favourable accreditation reports for the bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management, in Economics and in Accounting and Finance from the Universitat de Girona.
One of the functions of AQU Catalunya is the issue of accreditation reports for university degree programmes, to verify, based on an external visit, that the programmes are being developed appropriately. It is a process that all official university degrees taught in non-institutionally accredited centres must pass within six years of their initial validation or last accreditation in order to continue being part of the educational offer.
The Specific commission for Social Sciences 1 of the Institutional and Programme Review Commission (CAIP) has issued favourable accreditation reports for the bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management, in Economics and in Accounting and Finance, all of them taught by the Universitat de Girona's Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, following external visits that demonstrate the proper functioning of these programmes.
You can find the favourable reports issued by AQU Catalunya for the degree programmes on the EUC Reports portal:
- Bachelor's degree in in Business Administration and Management
- Bachelor's degree in Economics
- Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance
AQU Catalunya sends the accreditation reports to the Spanish Universities Council, which is the body responsible for resolving the accreditation process. AQU Catalunya publishes the results and issues the quality label and accreditation certificate for the corresponding degree programmes, which can be consulted on EUC Studies, the web portal with all the information on the quality of official university degree programmes offered in Catalonia.