Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Barcelona (UB), the first department to be awarded the quality label for research
Photo taken during the site visit to the University of Barcelona's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
On 18 February AQU Catalunya's Institutional and Programme Review Committee (CAIP) adopted the external review report on research at the University of Barcelona/UB's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, the overall outcome of which was excellent. The Department successfully underwent the evaluation and review procedure laid down in the Guide to the assessment of university research at department level and obtained the corresponding certificate and quality label that is valid for a period not exceeding five years.
The external review panel that carried out the site visit in November 2018 consisted of the following international experts:
- Henri Berestycki (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS, Paris), chair
- Diego Córdoba (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, ICMAT, Madrid)
- Werner Purgathofer (Technische Universität Wien, TU Wien, Vienna)
- Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, MPI, Leipzig)
- Esteve Arboix (AQU Catalunya), secretary
The assessment of university research at department level is a project being pioneered in Spain by AQU Catalunya with the aim of contributing to strengthen the role of university departments as prominent research organisations at international level.