Positive report on the accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Universitat de Girona
AQU Catalunya awarded the positive reports for the accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering, taught by the Universitat de Girona.

AQU Catalunya's duties include issuing accreditation reports on university degrees to validate, through an external visit, that the degree programmes are being developed in an appropriate manner. This process must be passed by all official university degrees taught in non-institutionally accredited centres within six years of their initial validation or last accreditation in order for them to continue to form part of the educational offer.
La Specific Commission for Engineering and Architecture of AQU Catalunya's Institutional and Programme Review Commission (CAIP) has issued positive reports on the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering. This degree, taught by the Universitat de Girona, obtained a positive report after an external visit was made to the centre where it is taught, which shows that the programme is working properly.
The accreditation reports issued by AQU Catalunya for the following degree programmes can be found on the EUC Informes website:
AQU Catalunya submits the accreditation reports to the Council of Universities, whose decision-making body is responsible for the accreditation process. AQU Catalunya publishes the accreditation results and issues the accreditation seal and certification for the degree programme in question, both of which are available on the EUC Estudis website, where all the information on the quality of recognised university degree programmes in Catalonia can be found.