The AQU Catalunya Appeals Commission resolves 47 appeals
Most of the appeals analysed by the AQU Catalunya Appeals Commission come from the first call for associate professors in 2023.
AQU Catalunya has resolved a total of 47 appeals at the last meeting of the Appeals Commission (COAPEL), held on 7 February 2024. This number is one of the highest recorded by the Agency and demonstrates AQU Catalunya's commitment to reviewing all the issues raised, and includes appeals from any of the calls for applications for lecturer posts. However, the first call for associate professors in 2023 stands out for its number, which brings 28 appeals to the total. The rest of the appeals come from: 2 from the 1st call for Serra Hunter aggregate, 15 from the 1st call for professor; 1 from the 1st call for professors of the "Convenio Universidad de Navarra"; and 1 from the Serra Hunter non-permanent contract call.
COAPEL has estimated that approximately 10% of all these appeals have been resolved. Chaired by Neus Vidal Martínez, professor at the University of Barcelona, the commission is the AQU Catalunya body responsible for adjudicating on appeals against the decisions of the Research Assessment Commission and the other assessment, certification and accreditation commissions. Its decisions exhaust administrative channels. This COAPEL meeting resumes the commission's activity after its last session, on 14 December 2023.