Embedding soft skills at the University: Equipping Graduates for Employability
Dates: 7, 8 and 9 October 2020
Project website
This webinar is part of the Erasmus+ Skills4Employability project, whose aim is to help universities improve the quality of higher education by introducing soft skills into the curriculum and to assess the extent to which these skills are adapted to the labour market.
The aim of this event is to invite academic staff, researchers and academic management staff to discuss about:
- how to improve the quality of higher education and strengthen the employability of university students by introducing transversal skills into the study plans, and
- to assess the extent to which these skills match the most important needs of the occupying community.
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7 October, 14.30-15.40
Webinar Day 1 – The relevance of soft skills. Keynote on dual training to embed soft skills
- Short introduction of the first part of the project’s Guide for Training soft skills that deals with the relevance of soft skills, a classification of them and an identification of which of them are more related to labour market needs.
- Christiane Hinrichs, Head of International Office, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences and Beatrix Holzer, Coordinator of Dual Studies, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences
The aim of the session is to make a general presentation on dual training as a good practice for embedding soft skills into the curriculum. It will be followed by a discuss on the impact it can have in increasing the employability of young university students in the labour market.
8 October, 14.30-15.40
Webinar Day 2 – Embedding soft skills in curriculum. Keynote on soft skills training and assessment
- The first part of the session deals with the selection of soft skills, defining learning outcomes and designing training activities in order to develop them within the courses. The purpose is to allow a better management of curriculum to embed soft skills related to employability and adjust it to the labour market needs.
- Josep M. Duart, Professor of Studies of Psychology and Education Sciences, UOC
The aim of the session is to provide information to support and strengthen the evaluation practices of HEIs.
9 October, 14.30-15.55
Webinar Day 3 – Workshop on the assessment of soft skills Main points to consider training and evaluating soft skills (teaching resources, assessment activities…)
- In the first part of the session there will be an introduction to the objectives of the 2nd Project Guideline. This document will be used to assess the skills identified in the first guide and to determine the criteria and indicators that will improve the employability of university graduates.
- Moderator - Josep M. Duart, Professor of Studies of Psychology and Education Sciences, UOC
This will be an interactive session through the creation of working groups. Each of the groups will be guided by one of the project partners. Afterwards, the results of each group will be shared in the plenary at the end of the workshop.
The objective of this session is to work on a toolkit for better assessing soft skills of universities curriculum (methodologies, criteria, rubrics, etc.).
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7, 8 and 9 October 2020
Seminari en línia