The opinion of employers regarding the education received by Resident Physicians (RPs)

This report sets out evidence regarding the implementation and delivery of the Bachelor’s degree in Medicine gleaned from the results of the 2018 survey on employers in this sector. The results of the first edition of the survey (2015) can be found on the AQU Catalunya website (AQU Catalunya, 2016).
The survey strives to gain an acquaintance of the opinion of heads of department and equivalent officials from health centres regarding the education received by resident physicians (RPs), particularly with regard to cross-disciplinary and specific skills which bear substantial margin for improvement.
In addition to these results, the report incorporates an initial section with contextual information on the Bachelor’s degree in Medicine, setting out basic data on the study programmes and the main results of the surveys on the satisfaction of individuals who have recently graduated from these study programmes, as well as the results of the survey on their access to the labour market.