Masters 2020
The survey, which is promoted by the public universities in Catalonia through their social councils, together with 12 private universities, 37 affiliated and partner schools and institutes and the Ministry of Education, is one of the most representative and important in Europe.
The study on Master’s degrees analyses access to the labour market as experienced by 12,000 people, Master’s degree graduates in the 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic years.
Analysis and results of the 2020 survey
Access to the labour market for graduates of Master's degrees from Catalan universities (March 2021)
Web page comparison of survey results among the HEIs running the degree programme.
Data sheet
PDF Survey
Survey carried out: 2020
Participating universities: UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV, URL, UOC, UVic-UCC, UIC, UAO CEU, 21 attached centres and 2 Arts higher education programmes centres.
Reference population and sample: the reference population is formed by 826,930 Master’s degree graduates from years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.
Technical documentation:
Excel Catàleg integrat de l'enquesta de màsters
Information regarding the source and use of personal data from the AQU Catalunya survey on access to the labour market.