32 knowledge areas distributed among specific degree programme assessment committees
Given that the new Royal Decree 822/2021 establishes the organisation of university education in 32 areas of knowledge, the Institutional and Programme Assessment Committee (CAIP) has distributed them among its five specific assessment committees.
One of the innovations of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, establishing the organisation of university education and the quality assurance procedure is the change in the assignment of the degree programmes to a field of knowledge. Although up to now all degree programmes had to be linked to one of the five branches of knowledge, from the entry into force of the Royal Decree each degree becomes assigned to one of the 32 areas of knowledge listed in Annex I.
The AQU Catalunya Institutional and Programme Assessment Committee (CAIP) is adapting to the change established in the Royal Decree by distributing the 32 areas of knowledge among the specific assessment committees.
You can consult the assignment of the areas by specific committee in the document Distribution of areas of knowledge among the CAIP specific assessment committees.
Distribution of areas of knowledge among the CAIP specific assessment committees [Catalan]