AQU Catalunya, committed to gender equality
The Agency's committees and commissions for 2023 have gender parity, that is, a balanced representation of women and men.
To mark International Women's Day, AQU Catalunya has analysed the state of the actions that have been undertaken in recent years in the field of gender equality. Among them, of particular note is the level of gender parity achieved with regard to AQU Catalunya experts, especially in those on the Agency's advisory and review commissions and committees. Of the total number of experts working for the Agency, 45% are women and 55% are men. As for the review, accreditation and certification commissions, they comprise 92 women and 88 men, in other words, 51% women and 49% men. And, in the case of commissions and advisory committees, there are 32 women and 29 men, which equates to 52.5% women and 47.5% men.
Therefore, we can say that the task under way these last few years to strengthen parity in the commissions and working groups created within AQU Catalunya has been successful.
In addition, the Agency continues to work on its commitment to the gender perspective, which is clear and present in all its activities.
- Parity achieved in the commissions and working groups created within AQU Catalunya.
- Publication of the report, The gender perspective in teaching staff accreditation. The report highlights important differences in the proportion of women according to discipline, as well as some bibliometric indicators that show an increasing difference between men and women as time progresses, with less academic achievement and output for women, with motherhood as a key trigger for this. However, at the end of the process, no widespread significant bias in the ability to obtain accreditation was detected.
- Presentation of the Protocol for the prevention and handling of sexual and gender-based harassment to those joining the Agency, as provided for in the welcome and reception plan.
- Participation of AQU Catalunya staff in training organised by external organisations with the aim of acquiring skills in matters of equality and gender perspective. In particular, six courses dealing with specific topics have been offered with 16 employees taking part.
- Ongoing work to incorporate the gender perspective in the Agency's assessment processes, for both degree programmes and institutions and centres, by applying the standards and criteria included in the methodological guides.
- Membership of the Women and Science Committee of the Inter-university Council of Catalonia, where it has a proactive role.