AQU Catalunya updates its internal systems for quality assurance (IQAs) certification procedure
The updated document allows higher education institutions to know exactly how the certification procedure of their internal systems for quality assurance works.
AQU Catalunya has updated the IQAS Certification in Higher Education Institutions procedure. This new document from AQU Catalunya makes it possible to know more precisely what the IQAS certification process looks like, the correct implementation of which is one of the prerequisites for centres to opt for institutional accreditation. In summary, the text describes how the process of IQAS certification implementation is carried out, which primarily involves verifying that it has been effectively deployed in the centre responsible for each degree programme.
This procedure is applicable to the IQAS implementation certification of university higher education centres, such as faculties, university schools, doctoral schools, university departments, centres attached to public and private universities, and centres that offer lifelong learning Master's degrees. The degrees included in this procedure scope are Bachelor's degrees, University Master's degrees, PhDs and Master's degrees in lifelong learning. Other study programmes can also be included in the management system's scope, such as specialisation diplomas, expert diplomas and micro-credentials, among others. This procedure does not apply to the higher artistic education IQAS certification. A more detailed list can be found in the Guide to the certification of internal quality assurance systems in higher education institutions es pot trobar aquesta llista ampliada més detalladament.
This document, which was updated in December 2023, indicates, among other issues, the documentation that must be presented so that an institution can be certified, such as the composition of the external assessment committee that participates in the certification, the phases that provide for the assessment or how the issuing of reports and communication of the certification works.