About twenty students from the field of Education at the University of Barcelona visit AQU Catalunya
After being welcomed by the Agency's Director, Jaume Valls Pasola, they were given five presentations on various aspects related to AQU Catalunya.

Around twenty students from the field of Education at the University of Barcelona visited the headquarters of AQU Catalunya to learn first-hand about the Agency and how it works. The students made the visit of their own accord and were welcomed by the Director of AQU Catalunya, Jaume Valls Pasola, followed by a series of five presentations designed to provide the students with a deeper understanding of the Agency.
The first presentation was given by the head of the Management-Communication Department and Secretary of the Governing Board of AQU Catalunya, Maria Giné Soca, who gave them a global vision of the Agency and pointed out the resources that the AQU Catalunya website makes available. Afterwards, the coordinator of the Quality Assessment Department, Albert Basart, spoke to them about degree assessment applied to the Bachelor's Degree in Education at the University of Barcelona and about the institutional assessment to which higher education centres in Catalonia are subjected.
The third presentation was delivered by the project manager of the Quality Assessment Department, Albert Gili, who focused on the role of students in the assessment of university quality. Next, Esteve Arboix Codina, Head of the Assessment of Teaching Staff and Research Department, introduced them to the assessment of university teaching staff and its main features. Finally, the co-director of the INQAAHE Executive Council, Anna Prades Nebot, spoke about the role of the quality assurance networks INQAAHE and ENQA, of which AQU Catalunya is a member. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions about the various topics covered at the end of the two-hour session.