The director of AQU Catalunya meets with the vice-rectors for quality at higher education institutions in Catalonia
At the meeting, Jaume Valls Pasola reported on the Agency's current activities and those that will begin in the near future.

AQU Catalunya convened the Vice-Rectors for Quality Assurance of public and private universities in Catalonia today. The online meeting began with the presentation to the attendees of the Director's Report, in which the Director of AQU Catalunya, Jaume Valls Pasola, regularly updates university representatives on the activities being carried out by the Agency.
The Director first explained the current state of progress of the assessment processes. In addition, he also announced the upcoming benchmarks that the Agency is planning to draft, namely Medicine and Education, as well as the surveys that are currently being prepared, namely the Employers' Survey and the Employment Outcomes Survey for 2026. The Director's Report also addressed the update of the teaching assessment methodology that AQU Catalunya is working on and the conferences that the Agency will hold soon. He specifically focused on the details of the course for Student Training in University Quality Assurance, which will take place on 23 November. Lastly, Valls also showed the results of the public enquiry on the proposal for new criteria for the accreditation of teaching staff that AQU Catalunya carried out between 23 September and 7 October.
In addition to the Director's report, Valls also presented the work done so far on the new framework that will replace the current Framework for the Validation, Monitoring and Accreditation of Teaching Staff (VSMA Framework). Finally, the director of the Agency presented the guide for the European approach to the accreditation of international joint degrees, created to simplify the documentation that is currently needed and which includes relevant aspects of the ImpEA project.