These are the figures achieved by AQU Catalunya throughout 2023
The Agency has produced an infographic to provide accountability and an overall view of the volume of its activity, which compiles and contextualises the data for the past year.
Using the data obtained from the Agency's activities over the course of 2023, AQU Catalunya has created an infographic to provide greater transparency on all of the tasks it carries out. In 2023, the Agency's activity was divided into the different areas in which it has competencies. Firstly, the number of institutions and degree programmes assessed, which last year totalled a total of 385. More specifically, AQU Catalunya assessed 137 Bachelor's degrees, 139 Master's degrees, 29 PhDs and 80 institutions. These figures are lower than those of the previous year due to the application of the new institutional accreditation method for university institutions, which reduces the need to assess degree programmes on a degree programme-by-degree programme basis.
Secondly, the Agency has put more effort than ever before into the assessment of university teaching staff. Throughout 2023, the teaching staff department issued 1,920 lecturer reports, 742 accreditations of research and 403 accreditations of advanced research, and assessed or recognised 3,349 assessed teaching, research and management sections. The number of lecturer reports issued increased compared to 2022: 754 more. The volume of research and advanced research accreditation assessments has also increased compared to the previous year.
Regarding knowledge generation, the increase in the number of surveys carried out in 2023 compared to 2022 is particularly noteworthy, rising from 15,000 two years ago to more than 40,000 last year as a result of the Agency's Employability Survey. The number of publications also increased from 24 to 32. Finally, when it comes to the external experts who collaborate with AQU Catalunya, it is worth noting that the number of women increased by 2% and almost reached symmetrical parity, representing 47% of the total in 2023.