Student Advisory Committee
The Student Advisory Committee was set up in 2010 to widen and systemise the participation of students in AQU Catalunya's review activities, advise the Agency on projects with a direct impact on the student body, and participate in producing studies of interest to the student body.
In effect a standing committee made up solely of students from Catalan universities, the commission participates in projects involving training and information for the student body on the quality of the higher education system in Catalonia and promotes cooperation and collaboration with European student associations and bodies within the framework of the EHEA.
- Jaume Valls Pasola, President (Director of AQU Catalunya and Chairman of the CAIP)
- Miquel Amengual Moreno (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- Rubén Aparicio Aparicio (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
- Marc Armangué Fajula (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Biel Bosch i Berga (Universitat de Girona)
- Jan Butí Lozano (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Ana Cuchí Cònsul (Universitat de Lleida)
- Paula Gelpí Forcada (Universitat Ramon Llull)
- Laura Torres Domínguez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Albert Gili Moreno, secretary (AQU Catalunya)