Referent en Dret

The Institutional and Programme Review Commission has approved the Benchmark for Law that covers the bachelor's degree in Law and the university master's degree in Legal Practice in order to guide university institutions in the design and assessment of these degree programmes as follows:
- Help the management teams of university centres in the design, modification and roll-out of new study plans.
- Guide the assessment commissions of the quality assurance agencies in the processes of validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation of these degree programmes.
- Provide society, especially students and employers, with information on courses and intended learning outcomes.
The document consists of an introduction and objectives in which the aims and uses of the benchmark are defined and the regulatory framework that applies to these studies and the international references used are listed. The document then specifies the reference levels for university bachelor's and master's degrees in accordance with the Catalan Higher Education Qualifications Framework. A chapter is dedicated to specifying the nature and scope of these two training programmes, and another to describe the teaching methodology and the most common training and assessment activities. The fifth chapter is dedicated to specifying the most relevant aspects related to the employability of people who are graduates of the bachelor's and university master's degree courses. The two final chapters relate the learning outcomes that people with bachelor's degrees in Law and the university master's degree in Legal Practice are expected to achieve. For each of these blocks, the knowledge, skills and competencies to be achieved are described.