Catalan scientific and scholarly journals (2023)
AQU Catalunya has published the analysis 'Catalan scientific and scholarly journals', which analyses the presence of the Catalan language in these publications as well as the visibility it achieves in the main international bibliometric databases and journal listings. The project, developed by Dr Llorenç Arguimbau Vivó, has been carried
out by the Agency at the behest of the Ministry of Research and Universities within the framework of the Plan to Reinforce the Catalan Language in the Catalan University and Research System, under which the Agency participates in different actions.
The results of the analysis indicate that 232 of the 556 journals published in Catalonia are wholly or partially in Catalan. Spanish ranks first in the scientific and scholarly journals published in Catalonia, with a presence in 317 of the 556 journals, followed by Catalan (232) and English (172). Therefore, Catalan is represented in 41.7% of active journals in this field in Catalonia. In the 232 journals with articles in Catalan, the majority focus on Humanities. Specifically, 62.5% of the total. They are followed at a great distance by the Social Sciences, with 24.1% of the total. In Humanities, it should be borne in mind that the study also includes those from local and regional study centres. The other areas of knowledge have much smaller percentages, between 4.7% and 2.2%.
The scientific and scholarly journals published in Catalonia, 83.1% of which are annual, are mostly monolingual, with 364 titles (65.5%). For their part, journals with articles in two languages represent 23%; in three languages, 5.2%; and in more than three languages, 4.1%. Complementary to the analysis, the study points to European initiatives to promote scientific journals in national languages, as well as the main web portals of Catalan journals. The results of the analysis are the starting point for a working group of experts that will study criteria for a fairer assessment of the quality, relevance and social impact of research in Catalan. This recently established working group will present proposals to the assessment commissions of the Research Assessment Commission so that publications in Catalan are taken into account in the teaching staff accreditation processes.
Revistes científiques i erudites de Catalunya (Catalan scientific and scholarly journals) (2023)