General framework for incorporating the gender perspective in higher education teaching
AQU Catalunya, in conjunction with the Inter-university Council of Catalonia’s Women and Science Committee, set up a working group to draw up a framework document setting out guidelines an d recommendations for effectively mainstreaming a gender equality perspective in all areas of higher education teaching. AQU Catalunya thus believes that gender mainstreaming is a fundamental aspect of the quality of the education provided within the Catalan university system.
This document is the result of the group’s work and it was subsequently approved by AQU Catalunya’s Institutional and Programme Review Commission (CAIP). It clarifies the most significant concepts and issues and provides a guide containing gender audit tools and gender-sensitive assessment indicators affecting both the design of courses and the way in which they are taught. It is addressed mainly to bodies and centres responsible for planning, managing and assessing the quality of higher education teaching, although it is of interest to the whole university community, including administrative and service staff, teaching and research staff and students.
The working group was coordinated by Glòria González Anadón (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Tània Verge Mestre (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and integrated by Eulalia Pérez Sedeño (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC), M. Teresa Ruiz Cantero (University of Alicante), Inés Sánchez de Madariaga (Technical University of Madrid, UPM), Encarna Bas Peña (University of Murcia), M. Àngels Gensana (Catalan Women's Institute) and Eva Benito (AQU Catalunya).