Validation (ex-ante accreditation)
Proposals for new recognised degrees have to undergo a process of ex-ante accreditation, known as validation.
Proposals submission
Preparation of proposals for Validation
Proposals for new recognised degrees must be drawn up in accordance with the Guide to the formulation and validation of proposals for recognised bachelor's and master's degree programmes and the Guide to the design, validation and modification of recognised PhD programmes, designed to facilitate their preparation by university officials, to also facilitate the internal review of the proposal by the institution itself and to constitute the instrument for external and independent review by the Agency. The guides include all the guidelines established by current legal regulations for the preparation of proposals for new recognised degrees. In relation to the preparation, validation and modification of bachelor's, master's and PhD degree programmes, AQU Catalunya makes available to universities the Official university degree validation and modification procedure .
Proposals for validation may be submitted to the Universities Council in accordance with the provisions of the call schedule by means of the online application of the Spanish Ministry responsible for universities. The term for resolution is:
- 4 months for proposals from institutionally accredited centres
- 6 months for proposals from non-institutionally accredited centres
in accordance with Article 26.2 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September. The Ministry extends the term of resolution by up to three months in accordance with the provisions of Article 42.5.c) of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.
Evaluation, results and hallmark
Proposal evaluation
The university submits the proposal for validation via the online application to the Ministry responsible for universities and, once the proposal is final, it reaches AQU Catalunya and is assigned to a group of special review panels (CEA). CEAs can issue a preliminary or final report to universities. In the case of preliminary reports, the universities can make allegations (they have 15 working days to do so), which the commission assesses and then issues a final assessment report for validation or modification.
In the event that the university does not agree with the results of the final assessment report, it may lodge an appeal against the result with the president of the Spanish Universities Council within a maximum 10 days of notification. If it is accepted for processing, the Universities Council sends it to AQU Catalunya for review by the AQU Appeals Commission, which will have to issue the corresponding report to be sent back to the Universities Council.
Review bodies
Institutional and Programme Review Commission (CAIP)
When the degree programme assessed obtains a favourable validation report, AQU Catalunya issues a quality label. See terms of use of the quality labels.
Review reports portal (EUC Informes), see the assessment reports on degrees, centres and universities in the Catalan university system issued by AQU Catalunya.