Assessment of degree programmes from foreign universities
AQU Catalunya has signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Iceland to accredit the Medicine degree according to the AQU Catalunya's assessment methodology, which from 2021 has been recognised by the World Federation for Medical Education. Assessment will be based on the AQU Catalunya Guidelines for the accreditation of medical degrees according to AQU Catalunya standards and the WFME Global Standards for Quality Enhancement. The Faculty of Medicine of this university is interested in obtaining this recognition so that graduates can enjoy its benefits. This assessment began on 31 October 2023 and the external visit for these studies is expected to be carried out in 2024.
AQU Catalunya – in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education and Research of the Government of Andorra (collaboration framework agreement), and in accordance with the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of Andorra (AQUA – assesses degree programmes from Andorran universities following the methodology established by the Framework for the validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation of recognised university degrees (VSMA Framework).
AQU Catalunya therefore carries out the assessment of applicant degree programmes and generates an external report so that the competent authority in the country can make the appropriate decision regarding its validation or accreditation. To this end, the methodology derived from the VSMA Framework is applied taking into account the characteristics and context of the country where the assessment is carried out, in this case, Andorra.
The following degree programmes have undergone assessment:
External report for validation
- Bachelor's degree in Design (Universitat Carlemany) · 2022
- Bachelor's degree in Design (Universitat Carlemany) · 2021
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Organisation (Universitat Carlemany) · 2021
- Master's degree in Law (University of Andorra) · 2018
External visit report for accreditation
- Bachelor's degree in Communication and Bachelor's degree in Catalan Language (University of Andorra) · 2018