AQU Catalunya 2022 meta-assessment report published
The 2022 meta-assessment report on the internal operations of the Agency was submitted to the AQU Catalunya Governing Board.
AQU Catalunya carries out three-tier meta-assessment of its internal operations: the meta-assessment of projects, the meta-assessment of areas and processes and the overall meta-assessment of AQU Catalunya, which is submitted to the Governing Board.
The 2022 meta-assessment report analyses the new developments and structural changes that took place during the year, and provides a brief summary of the staff budget and the activities carried out.
Among the structural changes for 2022, the report includes the change in the presidency of AQU Catalunya, the new powers assigned to the Agency with the approval of Law 9/2022, of 21 December, on science and the recovery of in-person assessment activities.
Budget-wise, AQU Catalunya was able to cover its needs during the year and even had a small surplus corresponding to the completion of the projects in which AQU Catalunya participated. With regard to administrative procurement, AQU Catalunya has carried out all minor procurement procedures through the Generalitat de Catalunya's Electronic Procurement File Manager and took part in the pilot project to integrate non-minor procurement into this application.
With regard to staff, AQU Catalunya has started the process of stabilising staff based on the public employment offers approved by the AQU Catalunya Governing Board. In the course of the year, 84,103 hours were registered, 3% more than the previous year.
In terms of activities, AQU Catalunya closed the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan with 76% compliance; it passed the international external review of compliance with the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG); it developed 63 of the 67 activities included in the Activity Plan; and managed 66 projects, with an average duration of 15 months each.
Finally, AQU Catalunya has kept alive the system of internal quality assurance and information security, based on the ISO 9001 and 27001 standards. During the year, 114 improvement actions commenced, of which 82% were implemented.