More than 80% of people who study Law in Catalonia say they would repeat their studies
AQU Catalunya has published its report entitled "Employability and university education in the field of Law", which shows, among other things, that more than half of the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Law have chosen these studies for vocational reasons and that this degree provides employment opportunities and salaries that are higher than the average in the Catalan Higher Education System.

AQU Catalunya has released its Employability and university education in the field of law report, which provides a cross-sectional analysis of the data obtained by the Agency in relation to the labour market insertion of law graduates and the university Master's degree in law in the Catalan Higher Education System (SUC), in relation to the satisfaction of graduates with the training received, and in relation to the satisfaction expressed by employers in this field. The document first notes that the demand for public places for degrees in the field of Law exceeded the supply by 154% in the 2020-2021 academic year. With regard to the master's degree, the report points out that only 24% of the Master's places in Master's in Law are offered at a public price.
Regarding students' satisfaction with studying Law and the aforementioned Master's degree in the SUC, 51% of graduates choose the Law degree for vocational reasons, a lower proportion than the SUC average, which is 73%. On the other hand, satisfaction with the studies they have taken once they finish their degree is 7.7, 0.3 points higher than that of the SUC. For the master's degree, however, this is not reproduced, and the degree of satisfaction is lower than the average for SUC master's degrees, with 6.4 compared to 7.3. Despite this, more than 80% of people studying Law degrees at the various Catalan universities and the Master's would repeat their studies.
The profile in terms of labour market insertion is good, with 88% of Law graduates and 93% of Master's graduates in Law having a job three years after graduating. This does not hide, however, that these data are slightly lower than the SUC average, which are 91% and 94%, respectively. The quality of employment in this area is also good. About 7 out of 10 law graduates carry out tasks specific to their degree three years after completing their studies, have a relatively low rate of temporary employment and lower than the SUC average, have a slightly higher income than the SUC average and have a high level of job satisfaction.
How do the students value the education received?
Law graduates most value the theoretical training they receive when they finish their studies and the learning capacity it provides them with. On the contrary, the skills that receive the lowest ratings from the students are the level of English, technological and digital skills and the creativity and innovation provided by the studies. These skills are rated significantly lower than the respective SUC averages. In fact, considering the level of usefulness of the skills they acquire in relation to the work they do later, technological and digital skills and English are the ones that present the most deficit both in the training of degrees in the field of Law as in the Master's in Law.
What do employers think about the graduates they hire?
56% of the companies employing people graduated in the field of Law claim that they have difficulties when hiring. If it comes to hiring people with a Master's degree, this percentage drops to 38%. The main cause of these difficulties, they point out, is the lack of qualified people with the necessary skills for the jobs on offer. While employers find it difficult to agree on a major shortcoming of law graduates' education, they do agree (6 out of 10) on the need to improve the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in law studies in the defence and to know how to choose the strategy for defending the client's interests. Despite the shortcomings identified, employers in this field are satisfied (with ratings of between 7.1 and 7.3) with the skills of recent graduates.