The 8th edition of the survey on the employment outcomes of university graduates begins
From 7 November 2022 to 28 April 2023, almost 90,000 graduates of the Catalan Higher Education System will be surveyed to find out about their employment outcomes.
All Catalan universities and their associated centres as well as those teaching higher arts education are kicking off, with the help of AQU Catalunya, the eighth employment outcomes survey of Catalan Higher Education System graduates. The main objective of this three-year study is to collect information at degree programme level in order to improve the study programmes offered.
The survey asks questions about aspects such as employment (employed/unemployed, time taken to find first job, channels for employment opportunities, work environment, branches of employment, etc.), job quality (whether the person is working in the field they studied for, functions performed, contractual stability, annual salary, job satisfaction, etc.) and satisfaction with the study programme (skills acquired, usefulness in the workplace, intention to take another degree, etc.).
Over all seven editions of the study more than 130,000 records have been produced meaning that Catalonia has one of the largest, most comprehensive and representative databases in Europe.
This edition will involve the largest number of graduates yet. Another new feature is the joint initiative with the Valencian Agency for Assessment and Foresight (AVAP) and the University Quality and Foresight Agency of Aragon (ACPUA), thanks to which people with degrees in Environmental Sciences from these two communities will also be surveyed, which makes it a pioneering interregional study in Spain.
The survey is intended for the following student groups: graduates with bachelor's degrees who completed their studies in 2019 and 2020 (except Medicine, who will have graduated in 2016 and 2017); graduates with higher arts bachelor's degrees who completed their studies in 2018 and 2019; university and arts master's degree graduates who completed their studies in 2018 and 2019; and people with PhDs who defended their doctoral thesis in 2018 and 2019.
The reference population included in the survey consists of 90,000 people and, of these, it is planned to attain a survey sample of more than 40,000 people.
The results are expected to be presented before the summer of 2023.
This survey, coordinated by AQU Catalunya, is carried out with the support of the university councils of Catalan public universities, private universities, affiliated centres and centres that provide higher arts education.