List of experts
Experts are individuals of recognized standing in academic and/or professional circles. In the case of quality assurance activities undertaken by AQU Catalunya, they can also be students who participate in these procedures in accordance with the criteria of independence, objectivity and the absence of any conflict of interest, as well as fulfilling prerequisites of ability and merit previously established by the review panels. Experts collaborating with AQU Catalunya are the cornerstone of all its assessment processes.
In the case of teaching staff assessment, the corresponding review panels assign the case dossier to experts in the candidate's given field of knowledge. The designated reviewers draw up a mandatory preliminary assessment report, which is non-binding, that is then referred to the corresponding panel. Experts in the institutional and programme evaluation processes sit on specific assessment commissions and external assessment committees that draw up the assessment reports and the external assessment visit report, respectively. AQU Catalunya classifies people who are experts in six main fields of knowledge according to their curricular or academic profile: Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences and Engineering and Architecture.
Applicants may request the recusal of a reviewer, a procedure which is done through the chairperson of the Research Assessment Commission. Evidence must be provided in support of the motives for any such recusal. In order to ensure that requests for recusal are handled with adequate guarantees, any application for recusal must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the meeting of the corresponding subject-specific panel that will assess the specific application. Universities may request the president of the Institutional and Programme Review Commission to challenge the composition of the external assessment committees in the case of assessment processes for university institutions and degrees programmes when AQU Catalunya informs them of this, and the reasons for the request must always be justified.
List of academic experts according to field of knowledge:
- List of academic experts in the field of Humanities
- List of academic experts in the field of Social Sciences
- List of academic experts in the field of Sciences
- List of academic experts in the field of Life Sciences
- List of academic experts in the field of Health and Medical Sciences
- List of academic experts in the field of Engineering and Architecture