Reflections on new international trends in teaching staff assessment: what’s next?
The changes that have recently taken place in the world of research assessment make it necessary to reflect on teaching staff assessment methodologies able to respond to the multidimensional approaches international trends are leaning towards.
This year marks ten years since the San Francisco Declaration, which AQU Catalunya signed in 2020, and the winds of change are now blowing from Europe. Last July an agreement on assessment reform was published (CoARA) the result of a long process of reflection and dialogue under the auspices of the European Commission. Here in Spain, the draft Organic Law on the University System (LOSU), currently in the parliamentary debate phase, incorporates elements to recognise open science.
In order to reflect on these new approaches to research assessment, AQU Catalunya has organised the webinar "Reflections on new international trends in teaching staff assessment: Where do we go from here?”, which will be structured around two presentations.
Christen Lutz, professor at University College Utrecht, will give the presentation "The Triple model of Utrecht University. What we have learned and next steps" (in English).
Enrique Orduña Malea, professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València; Carmen Pérez Esparrells, professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; and Núria Bautista Puig, professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, will give the presentation "Research assessment: Where do we go from here?" (in Spanish).
- Responsible representative for universities and the Autonomous Government in matters of university teaching,
- University professors who participate in research evaluation processes
- Staff of the agencies in charge of evaluating the research of university professors.
Catalan, Spanish and English
14 December 2022