Results of the 1st edition (2014-2016)
Through an agreement signed with the Government of Catalonia, Fundació Bancària la Caixa and the Agency collaborate in carrying out the study on the transition of graduates in Catalonia from higher education to employment from the point of view of employers.
The purpose of the study, which complements the three-yearly survey of the employment outcomes of graduates from universities in Catalonia, is to understand the perceptions of employers about the skills and education of recent graduates. In addition to a generic survey (for all economic sectors as a whole), separate surveys adapted for the sectors of public services and administration, education, medicine and nursing have also been carried out. This sectoral distinction has provided improved information on skills requirements in each of these sectors and employer satisfaction with recent graduates and the level of skills acquisition by students during their time at university. The purpose is for universities to develop policies leading to improvements in the university system in terms of academic provision and programmes of study, and thereby ensure that higher education qualifications better match labour market needs.