Arts HE programmes labour market 2020
The survey, which is promoted by the public universities in Catalonia through their social councils, together with 12 private universities, 37 affiliated and partner schools and institutes and the Ministry of Education, is one of the most representative and important in Europe.
During 2020, just before the pandemic, 488 of 1,227 graduates in the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 academic years were surveyed, the equivalent of 42% of the reference population.
Analysis and results
La inserció laboral dels titulats i titulades dels ensenyaments artístics superiors [Catalan version]
The main conclusions are as follows:
- There has been a general improvement in the quality of employment of higher artistic education graduates for all programmes compared to the last edition.
- Employment in the public sector, stability in employment and the adequacy of on-the-job training have all increased.
- Graduates expressed a high level of overall job satisfaction, marking a considerable increase over the results of the 2017 survey in regard to satisfaction with the prospects for promotion and pay.
- The Occupational Quality Index (IQO) has improved, especially in the cases of Design and Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets.
- A high percentage of people would repeat their studies, especially among graduates in Performing Arts and Music. However, those who say they would not repeat give as their main reason lack of satisfaction with the quality of education.
- The skills considered most useful in the workplace are: management, critical thinking and teamwork. Although 9 of the 14 competencies failed to reach a level of training appropriate to their usefulness on the job. Languages appear to be the most deficient skill, and theoretical training is valued above its usefulness in the market. For the first time practical skills appear to meet workplace requirements. The evidence gathered in terms of languages, theoretical training and practice, coincides with what is experienced in the case of university degrees.
- There is a clear trend to continue studying in the case of Music, where many graduates opt for a master's or postgraduate degree (43.5%), whereas in Design, graduates of higher artistic education go no further, with almost half deciding not to continue studying.
Data sheet
PDF Survey [Spanish]
Survey year: 2020
Participating universities:
- Centre autoritzat d’ensenyaments artístics superiors de Disseny - Felicidad Duce LCI Barcelona
- Centre autoritzat d'ensenyaments artístics superiors de Disseny IED
- Centre autoritzat d'ensenyaments artístics superiors de Música Liceu
- Centre autoritzat d'ensenyaments artístics superiors de Música Taller de Músics
- Conservatori Superior de Dansa de l'Institut del Teatre
- Escola Superior d'Art Dramàtic de l'Institut del Teatre
- Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya
- Escola Superior de Disseny i Arts Plàstiques de Catalunya
- Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya
Reference population and sample: the reference population is formed by 600 graduates in 2015 and 2016.
Technical documentation
Excel Catàleg integrat de l'enquesta d'EAS
Information regarding the source and use of personal data from the AQU Catalunya survey on access to the labour market.
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