Learning outcomes assessment
One of the objectives of AQU Catalunya, within the context of European convergence, is to make tools available to Catalan universities that assist in this process of integration. In 2007, the Agency made a call for the award of grants for a series of guide books to be produced with guidelines for the evaluation of competences within the framework of recognised degree programme accreditation processes in Catalonia. Written by academic staff within the Catalan university context, the aim of the guidebooks was to provide reference materials and examples for the design, consistent with a programme's competence profile and the subject learning outcomes, of strategies for the review and evaluation of student learning. The guide books provide a frame of reference for good practices that enable assessment activities to be selected and designed that are consistent with the intended learning outcomes, together with greater transparency regarding the methods and criteria used for assessment.
There are different proposals according to the various disciplines, based on the hypothesis that a guide book produced within the context of a disciplinary field by the actual staff who then have to apply it is much more useful than a general guidelines for assessing and evaluating competences as a whole.
These guidelines are available in Catalan (see below) and in Spanish.
Guidelines for competence assessment in the Humanities [Catalan]
Social Sciences
Guidelines for competence assessment in the Social Sciences [Catalan]
Guidelines for competence assessment in Social Education [Catalan]
Guidelines for competence assessment in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences [Catalan]
Guidelines for the assessment of laboratory competences in Science and Technology [Catalan]
Health Sciences
Guidelines for competence assessment in Medicine [Catalan]
Guidelines for competence assessment in Engineering and Architecture [Catalan]
Guidelines for competence assessment in the final year project/dissertation in Engineering [Catalan]