REMOTE (Assessing and evaluating remote learning practices in STEM), is an Erasmus project funded under the Erasmus+ programme Cooperation partnerships in higher education led by Universitat de Girona with five other partners and AQU Catalunya taking part: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Catalonia; Politecnico di Torino, Italy; Universidade do Minho, Portugal; Agenzia Nazionale Di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca, Italy, Agencia De Avaliacao e Acreditacao do Ensino Superior, Portugal.
The main concrete objectives of the project are the following three:
- Objective 1: Provide an understanding of current assessment and remote learning and assessment practices provided by HEIs in southern Europe -Spain, Italy and Portugal- in STEM disciplines, and provide a benchmark with actionable and user-friendly guidelines about efficient and effective assessment and remote learning practices that would be recommended to be implemented in order to improve the students’ learning experience and the provisions of teaching, particularly in emergency situations. Guidelines will foresee to be replicable for different disciplines and geographic contexts. It is crucial that these guidelines consider the gender issues, but also issues related to students/learners with special needs.
- Objective 2: Provide user-friendly guidelines and benchmarks, supported by the EQAAs, to be used by HEIs and the rest of stakeholders (professors, program coordinators, etc.) for implementing and evaluating successful methodologies in remote assessment. Regarding the transnational dimension of the project, it is necessary to make the guidelines and their implementation effective and successful by meeting the needs of different types of HEIs across EHEA in the STEM disciplines and considering the gender issues.
- Objective 3: Provide a roadmap and a sustainability plan that directly addresses how to implement the normative actions. The roadmap will include suggestions on how HEIs governance and management boards, administrative staff, students, teaching staff and researchers, can deliver and promote the assessment contained in the guidelines. An additional effort will need to be done to describe how the guidelines and the roadmap work, and how they can be operationalized.
AQU Catalunya will be the leading partner of the Work package n°4 - Benchmark and guidelines for monitoring and evaluating remote learning activities in STEM which will produce user-friendly benchmark and guidelines that translate the normative actions described into actionable implementations.