AQU Catalunya launches a new tool to make it easier for prospective students to learn about the employability of their chosen degree programmes
The Agency has developed a dynamic graph that quickly and clearly shows various job placement indicators linked to university degrees.

As part of the Saló de l'Ensenyament Education Fair, AQU Catalunya has just launched a new dynamic tool that shows prospective students what job opportunities are available for their desired degree programmes. By simply searching for the degree they would like to study, they can quickly and efficiently find out questions such as the approximate average salary, how long it will take them to find a job, how many specific tasks in the field they have studied they will perform in their jobs and, among other data, how many of the graduates will be working full-time after three years in the sector.
The new tool aims to allow students to choose their university degree studies with a more realistic knowledge of the employment situation they are likely to encounter once they have completed their studies. Career opportunities for university degrees can often be assumed through comments that are not based on fully verified data, which this dynamic graph aims to counteract, as the data it offers is based on what is really happening in the labour market. AQU Catalunya drew the data from the results collected from the more than 20,000 people surveyed as part of the Study of the employment ourcomes 2023, which makes the graph statistically reliable.
When carrying out this study, AQU Catalunya surveys a large number of students three years after completing their degree and asks them about all kinds of questions related to their employment situation. The graph provides the averages that explain the differences between each indicator for each degree programme and for Catalonia as a whole. This AQU Catalunya initiative is in addition to the website published this week, which makes it easier for students to compare the differences in terms of quality between recognised and non-recognised degrees.
You can view the graph here.