AQU Catalunya participates in the ‘Targeted reviews’ follow-up seminar: 'impact and lessons learnt’
Organised by ENQA, the meeting aims to help agencies improve their processes for reviewing compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by sharing their particular experiences.
AQU Catalunya took part in the seminar Targeted reviews follow-up seminar: impact and lessons learnt, organised by the European Association for Quality Assurance in the ENQA University System. The seminar was intended to provide a space for sharing strategic and future reflections for university quality agencies, such as AQU Catalunya, which were externally assessed through the targeted review system with a view to improving their compliance with the ESG. In the final part of the seminar, each participating agency shared their individual area of improvement, review results, and additional agency work to provide a peer-to-peer learning experience.
The Agency, represented in the seminar by the secretary of AQU Catalunya and the Governing Council of AQU Catalunya Maria Giné Soca and by the head of the Knowledge Generation and Internationalisation Department, Anna Prades Nebot, shared a best practice established at AQU Catalunya since the second external assessment, in 2012. "Once the assessment process has been completed, and after a few months of rest to take a new perspective, we compile and classify all the suggestions, considerations and plaudits we have received as standard, analyse them and propose actions to improve compliance. We draw up an action plan, which we follow up quarterly to ensure that it is fully implemented before the next international external assessment", explained Giné.
AQU Catalunya was the first agency to be assessed under the targeted review external assessment modality in 2022. This is a simplified assessment process that ENQA offers to those quality agencies that have passed the international external assessment process of compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA twice in succession, which agencies such as AQU Catalunya are required to undergo every five years. AQU Catalunya is one of the first agencies to be registered in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) since 2008.