AQU Catalunya subscribes to GAIN network's call to fight academic fraud
The Global Academic Integrity Network urges major social networks and online digital platforms to join the fight against academic dishonesty.

AQU Catalunya endorses the appeal issued by the Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN) calling on the major social networks and digital platforms to take a stand against academic dishonesty. "GAIN urges these platforms to take measures to stop the advertising of fraudulent academic services", stated the international network against academic fraud, of which AQU Catalunya has been a member since 2024.
"In recent years, the marketing and promotion of academic fraud services through digital platforms has mushroomed. These services allow students to pay someone else to do their assignments or exams for them," the appeal states. "[This] is damaging to students’ learning and to grades", they say, noting that engaging in “this type of fraud can expose students to criminals, and make them vulnerable to the threat of identity theft and blackmail".
A global problem
The GAIN network, made up of forty quality agencies from around the world, points out that "in the age of digital networking, businesses offering academic plagiarism, such as students paying someone else to write papers or take exams for them, have grown to become a global problem". This problem, "which educators and institutions cannot face alone,” has, according to GAIN, become “a responsibility shared by all, from technology companies to regulators, individual higher education institutions and students".
The network says that the joint action of all these actors can counteract the strength of these commercial academic fraud services that "devalue academic achievement, compromise the credibility of education systems around the world and undermine society's trust in qualified professionals". All in all, GAIN is "calling on social media and online platforms around the world to commit to corporate responsibility, and to taking steps to prevent the advertising of academic fraud services". "GAIN believes that this action would significantly reduce the visibility and impact of such services, and send a powerful message about the value of legitimate academic achievement", they said.
GAIN urges the main social networks and online platforms to take a stand against academic fraud
You can find more information about GAIN here and in this article.