Certification of internal systems for quality assurance (IQAs)
The importance of internal systems for quality assurance (IQAs) and their influence on the higher education system is illustrated by the requirements laid down in the different regulations governing higher education degree programmes.
For the implementation of new bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, Royal Decrees 822/2021 and 99/2011 require that they have implemented an IQAS, the design of which is assessed in the Validation (ex-ante assessment) phase.
Furthermore, Royal Decree 640/2021, of 27 July (repealing Royal Decree 420/2015) establishes the new institutional accreditation in which the certification of the implementation of the IQAS plays a key role.
AQU Catalunya has been assisting higher education institutions to design institutional IQAs through the AUDIT programme since 2007. Now that IQAs have been introduced in HEIs in Catalonia for several years now, the Agency has developed this programme to review the introduction and implementation of IQAs and, where applicable, to grant the relevant certification.
The objective of the review for IQAs certification is to check that the system has been implemented and is operative in the faculty responsible for running the programmes covered by the IQAS and that it is appropriate for the programme's quality assurance.
Certification of a faculty's IQAs shows at the very least that the operating mechanisms (validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation) underpinning the continuous enhancement of its study programmes are running effectively.
- Faculties in possession of the certification of IQAs implementation which have accredited at least 50% of the first degrees and 50% of the master's programmes that they deliver are eligible for institutional accreditation.
- If a faculty is in possession of the certification of IQAs implementation, but has still not accredited the required percentage of programmes to become eligible for institutional accreditation, any remaining programmes that are submitted for ex-ante accreditation, modification and accreditation shall be exempt from submitting additional documentation related to quality assurance systems.
Eligibility for IQAs implementation certification requires compliance by a higher education institution with the requirements that safeguard the viability of an external review.
A faculty will therefore need to ensure that it complies with the following:
- The programmes it delivers under the scope of the IQAs must have already produced graduates.
- The design of the implemented IQAs has either received a favourable report from the AUDIT programme or, alternatively, it has been successfully evaluated by the institution's QA unit.
- The faculty's IQAs is a mature and stable system, all of the procedures dealing with the quality assurance of study programmes are implemented and operational, and it obtains satisfactory results.
- The faculty has reviewed the IQAs at least once. Where applicable, an enhancement plan has been set in motion as a result of this review.
- The information on the QA procedures of the VSMA framework in which the faculty has participated and the reports stemming from these procedures is complete and accessible to all of the stakeholders.
- There is clear evidence that enhancement measures are undertaken as a consequence of the QA procedures that are carried out.
If any of these aspects are not complied with during the IQAs certification procedure, the outcome of certification will be adverse.
Methodology and frequently asked questions
This guide applies to certification processes that have the visit planned from January 2024.
Guide to IQAS certification in higher education institutions (October 2023)
This guide applies to certification processes that have the visit prior to January 2024.
Guide to the Certification of IQAs Implementation (February 2020)
IQAS Certification in Higher Education Institutions procedure (December 2023)
Documents and criteria
10 Claves para reducir las enmiendas de un informe de certificación
Criterios para la redacción de informes de certificación de la implantación de SIGC (May 2021)
Frequently asked questions
Applications and the review procedure
Applications may be made at any time. AQU Catalunya and the universities jointly and annually plan the certification of IQAs implementation in their faculties and schools for endorsement by the Agency's Governing Board. Institutions must submit an application for certification either for each faculty and school or for institution-wide aspects of the IQAs to EACAT's "General procedures for universities with AQU Catalunya".
INSTITUTION-WIDE LEVEL. Enter the following text:
- Subject matter: Application for the review and evaluation of the institution-wide aspects of the IQAs of faculties and schools at higher education institutions.
- Body of the text: The University applies for the review and evaluation of the institution-wide aspects of the IQAs of its faculties and schools. The University undertakes to send the necessary documentation for review and evaluation to the AVALUA platform when AQU Catalunya begins the review stage.
- Attached documentation: No documentation should be attached as this is submitted separately via the AVALUA platform.
- Signature: All applications must be validated and signed electronically.
FACULTY/SCHOOL LEVEL. Enter the following text:
- Subject matter: Application for the certification of IQAs implementation by XXX (enter the name of the faculty or school).
- Body of text: The University applies for the certification of IQAs implementation by XXX (enter the name of the faculty or school).
- Attached documentation: No documentation should be attached as this is submitted separately via the AVALUA platform.
- Signature: All applications must be validated and signed electronically.
Three months prior to the certification site visit by the external review panel, the institution must make available, preferably via the website, the following documentation relevant to IQAs implementation:
- Handbook on quality assurance and IQAs procedures.
- List of indicators related to the IQAs and the latest values achieved and used to oversee the procedures, according to the intervals laid down in the IQAs itself.
- Records generated by the IQAs, including IQAs review reports, enhancement plans, etc.
The external review panel will initially screen the documentation, which may lead to a preliminary site visit, and issue a report in which an assessment is made of the quality of the evidence provided, the need for any new or additional evidence and the relevancy of continuing the certification procedure.
Once any new evidence has been provided, the external review panel will then carry out a certification site visit to the faculty or school to establish in situ the level at which the IQAs is being implemented and how well it is running, and its capacity to safeguard the quality of teaching and learning.
Following on from the visit, the external review panel will refer its preliminary external review report to the Specific Commission for Institutional Assessment, which is responsible for issuing the preliminary certification report.
The institution may make representations about both the preliminary report resulting from the site visit and the preliminary certification report. In the case where a preliminary external review report calls for the compulsory modification of the IQAs, the faculty or school will have a maximum period of six months to submit a corrective action plan to the external review panel, together with the corresponding evidence showing that the findings of non-compliance have been dealt with. The external review panel will then review the corrective action plan and evidence submitted and issue the final external review report.
The Specific Commission for Institutional Assessment will issue the certification report in terms of favourable/positive or unfavourable/adverse.
Appeals to reports issued by the Specific Commission for Institutional Assessment may be filed before AQU Catalunya's Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee has a deadline of three months to file a resolution. This resolution will exhaust all available administrative remedies.
Call for applications (Official Journal of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia/DOGC)
Certification is valid for six years and can be renewed for a further five-year period following a new external review procedure.
During the period of validity of certification, the Specific Commission for Institutional Assessment reserves the right to modify the scope of certification or suspend or revoke certification in cases where:
- Changes occur that adversely and irreversibly alter the conditions in which the IQAS was certified.
- Inappropriate use is made of the certification certificate.